College is a rough transition when you're fresh out of high school. It's a new environment for new people and new systems to ensure your college experience is at its peak. Though with the academic, social, and personal time aspects, it's easy to lose balance and you might get a reality check in a way that you probably wouldn't want. For me, I came to college to focus specifically on my theatrics and to become the best actor I can be, which has always been true. However, I went out often late at nights and it would deter me in the mornings for my classes at 8 A.M and work at noon. This being included with the personal time that I need to relax on my own, or to just listen to music and take a nap, I found that there was increasingly little time for me to study and work on schoolwork. This would cause me to be up at even a later time or procrastinate and would continue to deter me in my academic performance.
I feel that there is a strong balance that needs to be established as soon as it possibly can be. Academics should be a main focus. Developing a schedule for you to do your schoolwork should be a priority. College is expensive, but it also is worth the education. Once you find a time to get all of your assignments done on time, personal time and social time can be fitted into your schedule, with enough time to sleep, of course. What took me a few weeks to learn is that partying isn't the only way that I can meet new people and bond while having a fun time. Partying is fun, yes, but shouldn't be an everyday activity if its jeopardizing performance. In addition, I still strongly feel that if one of these aspects fall out of line, you could have potential health issues. Not getting enough sleep on a consistent basis isn't near healthy. Your body needs rest to recover and to function where it should be. So for me, I get all of my schoolwork out of the way, and save the social events for a day where I don't necessarily have to wake up early, but if I go out on a day where I have to, I make sure I get back to my dorm at a reasonable time to shower and get under the covers. This mixed with time I need for myself to just relax with myself and reflect and build can prove to be perfection.