You all know, there is always that one friend in your group that is always happy and is always there for everyone else. But do you ever take the time to maybe think, well how are they doing? Or I wonder if they have anything they would like to talk about? And I'm sure even if you do ask your friend these questions they say "I'm good" or "everything is going well" when in reality that friend is not doing so good, and everything is going far from well. They're looking for that one person who will look them in the eyes and realize that they are not okay and for once they need someone there for them. But it's never that simple. No one ever realizes that.
They don't see that "happy" friend cry in the shower or cry themselves to sleep because they are beyond stressed and don't even know which way is up. They don't hear the thoughts inside your head telling you to just stay in bed, to just give up, to just cry, and for once not be there for your friends and see if they will come knocking at your door to be there for you. But no, you would never do that because you're the happy friend, the one who always knows what to say, the one who has their life together.
I'm sorry to say that the "happy" friend is probably just as sad, hurt and stressed as the person complaining all day is. We all have hard lives, we all get stressed out, but don't expect someone else to heal you, and to make your life better because they can't. Only you can make yourself happy, but if you add your friends stress on top of your stress and still keep everything to yourself, you will explode. It's okay to not always be the "happy" friend. It's okay to not always have time for your friends, and it's okay to worry about yourself for once and not put yourself on the back burner.
Everyone needs to realize that life is not easy, but throwing all your problems at your so called "happy friend" doesn't help them. It's not easy always being that go-to friend. Yes, it's nice knowing that people find comfort in coming to you for advice, but it's so easy to give others advice. But then to try and listen to your advice it becomes almost impossible.
Everyone needs friends in life, and I am forever thankful for the friends I have and have had in life. But it's not easy for me to talk to people about what's going on in my head because I know they have their own problems and I know how it feels to get everyone else's problems piled on top of you, so I would never do that to anybody. This article is not directed at anyone, but you need to realize that just because your friend is smiling every day, doesn't mean that they are okay. It would mean the world to them if just once and awhile you asked them if they are okay and instead of just walking away after they say yes, give them a hug and ask again. Because most likely that friend will break down realizing that people truly care about them and how they are doing.