The 2016 election has made it pretty clear how polarized our citizenry has become. Politics is often at the forefront of our conversations now, instead of lurking in the box of hidden thoughts, also known as, the "not for dinner" conversations. Even at the restaurant I work at, people are just waiting to spark political debates, and as a student well-interested in politics, I love it when it happens! On the flip side, it can be pretty awkward, when you find out the person you're talking to has the opposite political views from you. Here's how it feels to be what they call a "radical liberal."
1. Well, you're categorized as radical.
Remember when radical had a positive connotation. Well, not anymore. Even though our political views can be very to the left on the political spectrum, using the term radical is a pretty touchy subject these days. Just calls us hippies, or left-leaning instead.
2. People don't ask who you're voting for.
You're friends already know you're a huge Bernie supporter, and strangers pick up the signals in about three minutes. Especially when you're wearing a Bernie t-shirt, and your laptop is covered in campaign stickers.
3. You're clearly a socialist.
I get it socialism wouldn't work in our society, but what about making essentials available for the entire nation. We think businesses are important, but for-profit prisons? We shouldn't be making financial gains from locking up criminals, especially harmless offenders.
4. You're a baby killer.
Whoa. That's kind of strong. We just think the rights of the woman should be expressed over the rights of an unborn child. Oh and we think that what we do with our own bodies, shouldn't be any of your business anyway.
5. Why do you want to take all of our guns?
Nobody is taking your guns. We've witnessed mass shooting after mass shooting, and something has to change. Tightening gun laws are a matter of safety, not government power. We can't walk around with stickers labeling mentally ill and members of the Islamic faith. We saw how well that went over the last time.
6. Gay marriage is wrong; it says so in the Bible.
Newsflash, it's 2016. There's more than one religion in the country, and last time I checked, there's this thing called "separation of church and state," which clearly draws the line between legislation and your feelings. The government should make the nation more equal, we shouldn't still be discriminating on accounts of sexual orientation. In 20 years, gender probably won't even be a term we use.
7. You're a tree-hugging hippy.
If you mean "worried about climate change," then you are so correct! It's scientifically proven that carbon emissions are ruining our planet. We just want somewhere for our children and grandchildren to live.
8. You just don't want to pay for school.
Obviously not, but let me remind you that furthering an education is to perform better in society. I'm not saying let's make it free, but I am saying let's make it more affordable. Of course, that comes with government intervention, but at least public state schools should be tuition-free.
9. Well, you must not like Trump.
Obviously, we don't like Trump. He's a businessman, not a politician. Getting an outsider might be a good idea, but it seems like voting for Trump, would be like asking a dental hygienist to perform open-heart surgery.
10. Your thoughts just get blown off.
Once someone from the other side hears any of your views, they're pretty much over talking to you. You're obviously brain-washed from the government and don't know what you're talking about.
11. You find another raging liberal!
You find someone who shares your political views, and then you can bond over agreement and attacking the other side. You're not the only one out there that is a so called crazy person!