If you're like me you probably don't want to admit to it yet. You still remember that first day of freshman move in, anxious and excited to be starting college and living on campus.
Fast forward two years later and you're now going to be a junior, with your own apartment and a whole world of friends and connections that has made your school a second home. For some it may even be the big birthday year of turning 21. For most it's a stepping stone of realization that you are no longer the babies on campus.
Time has a funny way of working in college. It goes by extremely fast and leaves you feeling like you have no chance at all to accomplish everything you want to. Suddenly four to five years seems like nothing at all.
Pressures suddenly become very real as internships, career goals, and even earlier graduation cross people's minds. It becomes clear that any time now spent with people that matter most to you in college is precious time.
Granted, there is still two more years to have fun and grow into a new person but it is also two years since you stepped into college as a completely different one.
It's two more years where anything could happen and major changes could affect your life. It's exciting and scary all at once and it feels almost like the exhilaration of first starting college. Unfortunately you've just become much more of an adult (yes I used the A word).
At this point it all comes down to enjoying every moment you get in college. The moments that may even seem the hardest will teach you something. If anything you learn more outside of the classroom than you do in any 8 am lecture.
It goes by faster each year and we all eventually dread the day we must walk to get our diploma. But everything we go through in these four to five years will prepare us for that moment.