In life, you will encounter so many different types of people. Some of these people are your soulmates, and some are polar opposites. You will learn something from each and every single one of them. Some relationships are ones you will hang on to, and there are others you will let go of. Some people will stay around forever, and some are merely passersby.
As of late, I've done a lot of thinking on how I am perceived. I'm less worried about what people think of me, per se, but more curious as to what my legacy may be. How do my elementary school classmates remember me? What stories do my high school best friends tell about me to their new friends? How do my college friends describe me to their parents? In 20 years, how will people who see me on the sidewalk every day remember me? While I oh-so-often look to others as an example, are there others who look up to me?
Upon all this reflection, I started to think about how I want to be remembered when it is all said and done. Here's what I came up with.
1. I want to be remembered as someone with grit.
Hard work is so important to me, and I think that's why I may have trouble admitting I need help sometimes. I believe success is earned through effort and perseverance, and I don't ever want to give the allusion that I cheated out either one of those. I want to be deserving of what I am given; I don't want to merely be handed anything. I want blessings to come my way because of my dedication to what was important to me.
2. I want to be remembered as someone who was less concerned with being right, and more concerned with being kind.
In every important relationship, there will be arguments. When you care about people and spend a great deal of time with them, there are bound to be disagreements. I want to be the type of person who cares less about getting her way and more about understanding those around me. Sometimes, agreeing to disagree is not the desired conclusion, but it may be the only one that can restore relationships. I don't need to be the smartest one in the room, but I do want to be the one who lives without grudges. As someone who tends to be a tad stubborn, this is something I consistently remind myself.
3. I want to be remembered as someone who gave away love like she was made of it.
I, like so many others, have had my heart handled carelessly on multiple occasions. This doesn't just have to be romantically. Friends, family, peers, bosses, coworkers, teachers, and countless others can hurt you. We are all human, and we are all sometimes reckless. However, I know that putting my trust and self-confidence in God instead of in man will transform my heart.
My heart can be guarded and stand firm amidst whatever storm comes my way while still showing continuous grace and mercy to others. I believe that it's okay to "love too much," because if I am consistently filled by Jesus, my love supply will never run out.
When it's all said and done, people won't remember every argument I've gotten into with them. They won't remember every compliment I gave them, either. They won't remember what brand my jeans are or my workout routine or each and every one of my Instagram captions. However, they will remember how I made them feel... and I want to take charge of that.