The Bahamas, as well as many parts of North America, were devastated by Dorian. Individuals from the Bahamas are still recovering. I know many people who still have not been able to contact family members, and others who have found out that their loved ones have passed away. When you are watching these things happen from your phone, or television, it becomes very easy to distance yourself from the damage. However, there Is so much more we can be doing as a community to help the Bahamas recover. This past weekend, I did my own Bahamas relief efforts:
Collect Clothes
I started by cleaning out my closet. When you think about how little others have, or how much they have lost, it become a lot easier to part with your clothes. In the end, I had about two garbage bags of clothes, shoes, and blankets to donate. Then, I went to a few of my neighbors and told them I was going to be donating clothes to the Redcross to donate to the Bahamas. After that, I ended up with a total of four bags and two boxes of clothes and other supplies. Some of my neighbors even offered to help me drive everything over to the supply center.
As well, many of the stores I visit on a weekly basis are taking cash donations to help the Bahamas. I donated to a couple of relief efforts on campus. If a grocery store I went to was collecting donations, like Publix, I donate whatever I can. I noticed that when I donated it caused a domino effect, and the person behind me would donate too! Another thing I didn't realize were all the pets that are affected by the storm. Local pet stores, like Petsmart, are taking donations to help fr pet rescue efforts too.
Support Others
Finally, I wanted to do something more person than donate. With so many of my friend grieving, and missing their family members, I wanted to create a safe place for my friend and others to vent. I made a post on Instagram, basically just saying if anyone needs to talk or needs support I am here. I was surprised by how many people I didn't even know that well that messaged me. It really showed me that even if you don't have supplies or money to donate, there is always SOMETHING you can do