Weather: what a small talk conversation to really get a new relationship started! Just kidding. Actually, no one truly cares about the weather because usually it is just someone complaining about how it's too cold or too hot. No one is ever just happy, but for some reason, I’m going to dedicate this article to the awful small talk conversation starter, just because the goose bumps and heavy winter coats are really getting old.
Let's take a trip down memory lane really quick and give thanks that this winter is nowhere near as awful as the polar vortex we went through last year. Walking to classes in negative whatever was probably the worst form of torture for every student, especially if you had to walk all the way to Cooper.
The worst thing though, is getting the emergency texts/emails about Burris being cancelled and you secretly wishing, hoping, praying that your teachers would send you a similar email canceling your class so you wouldn’t have to wake up and bare the wind that burns your face.
People seem crabbier too, which just makes going to class that much greater. Have you ever watched people walking in this weather? Everyone is pouty and sad. I'm just kind of confused as to why it's not acceptable to hibernate in this weather.
Not even cuddling sounds fun anymore. I'm cold, miserable and want to lay in my bed, eating pizza lunchables, laughing at Spongebob. I don't need anyone there to remind me that I have responsibilities.
Summer and fall semester seem so far away. I feel like just yesterday we had shorts and tank tops on, riding in the back of trucks on our way to tailgates, but we will be back there again soon, my friends.
Here is the bright side though: spring break is so incredibly close, and if you’re lucky enough to travel, you soon will have your toes in the sand and the sun giving you a little more color than that nice pale tone we have all developed over the last few months. If you’re not traveling, hibernation is now acceptable, and there is nothing that sounds better than a good Netflix binge watch where you’ll finally finish that series you've been wanting to. If you are going into hibernation though, avoid all social media, because images of the beach will probably cause severe depression as you peak through your curtains to still see snow and slush.
Stay warm babes.