Hopefully this year is easier for me and I hope that this may inspire you to make better choices and actions this upcoming year!
Working Out Better
I know, this is entirely cliche and this is what gyms bank off of at the start of every year!
I'm passionate about working out and about 85% of the time I am religious about it, even sometimes working out numerous times a day, and at least 5 times a week doing different workout classes, runs/jogs and routines at my gym. However, this year my butt was whooped big time and I wasn't able to work out for about 3 months. I have an illness that, unfortunately, kills my immune system when I am seriously overworked and run down. This year, it hit me really hard and I am seriously out of shape and unhappy with my health. Because I haven't been working out consistently, my joints and especially my knees just feel very weak and I hate it! This is why I want to start my 2020 on a good note and get back to my mostly consistent workout routine and take care of myself better.
Eating Right
Again, super cliche! Usually I am on top of meal prepping and stocking up on fruits and veggies. This year and especially this past fall semester, I slacked on this big time! I ate out way too much or didn't eat all day and it seriously has messed me up big time. Meal prep, or even just thinking ahead on meals and grocery shopping is SO IMPORTANT.
Additionally, I want to get better with drinking water. A few months ago I was on top of this and felt great (even though I had to use the bathroom too many times for my liking). I have fallen off the wagon with this and can definitely feel the difference health wise and with my skin and lips being dryer. DRINK WATER IT'S SO IMPORTANT!!!
Budgeting and Saving
I have always had a problem with impulse buying (there mom I said it) and tend to live a bit too much in the moment when it comes to money. This year, because I am going to be turning 21 and in my senior year of college, I want to get better about budgeting and saving. I work numerous jobs at all times, so I do have money put away. However, I definitely can be saving more and budgeting better.
Maintaining healthy relationships
Recently, I've taken way more consideration into who I am spending time with and who I am investing my time in. Since mentally taking this note and acting on it, I have come to a much better headspace. It is truly amazing what surrounding yourself with the right people can do for your mental health!
Going forward, I want to be better about maintaining healthy relationships, as I tend to be the person that's there for everyone at every time even if they treat me like s*** and that isn't always great for my own well-being.
Working on my Mental Health
Overall, I consider myself to be a pretty positive and driven person. However, I definitely have my moments where I feel like my world is crashing down. Going forward, I want to work on my mental health and coming to an even better headspace.
If anyone is looking for a sign to keep going and keep fighting, this is it. I promise you, you are stronger than you know.
Living in the Moment
Lately, I have found myself in a pattern of going to work, eating, sleeping and repeating. I was asked to get coffee on Arthur Avenue the other day and I almost scoffed and said no so I could go home and back to my bed. Then I realized the pattern I've been stuck in and have been trying my hardest to fight this and live my life!!!
Life is so short, and supposedly these are supposed to be the best years of my life, so I should be enjoying them!
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