2016 Me: Love is kind of cool, I guess. And people do it all the time. They meet someone, find common interests, fall in love, and then either get married, don't get married, or break up.
2019 Me: Ok, starting off strong I agree with all of this still.
If you ask me, love is kind of gross.
Don't get me wrong, almost every single movie or book I own is centered around a love story, but feelings are just kind of nauseating to me.... She has a point.
And there's also the fact that love is so important that there was a whole holiday made for it. Love is something strange. I happen to know nothing about the love that makes people run after each other in airports, or stop taxis in the middle of the street, or drive someone so crazy as to want to spend eternity with one other human. Holy cow. Now that's something.Why did I stop saying Holy cow it is so cute? But also yes while I have some sort of grasp on why people would do all of these things for the one they love, it still is a strange concept to me.
I like those stupid, sappy, gross, lovey-dovey movies because they're so unrealistic. Love is so cool and so hyped up and I just think it's awesome that society wants everyone to try it. Heck, sometimes, I want to try it. However, you don't need love to make you happy. I know, here I go again (on my own).Wow, will I ever stop spouting nonsense on why being alone is the best? It's been 3 years and I still do it.
But, seriously, contrary to popular belief, love is not necessary for survival. Love will not take away your troubles or make you a better person. Love is so great and if you want it, I hope you get it, but I also hope you don't feel bad if you don't have it right now. I say instead of focusing on love, you should focus on that class you're doing horribly in, or that job that you need so you can buy food or those friends who stick by your side even when you complain about being lonely. Love is cool, but don't feel less than because you don't have it now, or you've never had it, or you think you will never have it again.I am DEEP and so insightful literally who did I think I was??? But, I am also so correct and I'm glad I finally started taking my own advice. I really knew what I was talking about back then.
So I guess not really much has changed. If anything, I think I have a better understanding of love, but also that doesn't mean I'm also not terrified of it still. It just doesn't gross me out anymore.
Well, maybe it does a little.