Going back to campus will be like something we have never experienced before. When times were normal, I would see hundreds of people walking a long Shortlidge Rd, friends getting Starbucks in the HUB, and spending endless nights in the library; however this will not be able to happen this semester. With COVID-19 still being spread across the country, there are many things that students will need to do to prepare for this unusual semester. So, here are some things I am doing to prepare to head back to Penn State in the fall.
My packing list for my apartment is a little bit different. I will need to purchase a bunch of masks for classes and walking around downtown. The only good to come out of this purchase is that I have found many websites selling PSU masks, which I will definitely be purchasing. In addition to masks, I'll be buying a huge container of hand sanitizer to keep in my living room that I can use to refill my mini hand sanitizers. Paper towels, toilet paper, and disinfecting wipes are also things that I will need to purchase. Although this is not an unusual purchase for an apartment, these items will definitely be harder to find because of the pandemic.
Other than these purchases, make sure that you buy things that make you happy! For example, buying some new back to school clothes is always such a good feeling, who doesn't love to expand their wardrobe? Although these times are rough, make sure that you buy things that will allow you to feel stress relief. So, one thing that I am buying is a yoga mat. Although I am not a huge yoga girl, I can do many other workouts on this mat and even just stretch to de-escalate from long days filled with school work. The nice thing about this mat is that I can use it anywhere, like my apartment living room to Old Main lawn. Although items like masks, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes are a necessity for this upcoming year, make sure you spend a little bit of your money on yourself- because the phrase "treat yourself" has never been more important that it is today.