How The Holy City Restored My Faith | The Odyssey Online
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How The Holy City Restored My Faith

How The Holy City Restored My Faith

By now, Charleston, S.C. has been all over both the national and world news.

However, this time it isn't for its "friendly residents" or because it was named "one of America's best cities to visit." No, this time Charleston is receiving both positive and negative press for the horrific shooting that took place in one of its oldest and most historic African American churches. Mother Emanuel AME Church has endured the remainder of a painful week after losing nine members of its congregation to a senseless shooting that has sparked both political and moral controversy across the nation. People from all over the country have protested and debated topics of security, racial equality, and agenda of the media.

Amidst the coverage of this difficult time, I feel many people have turned away from the real lesson we should take away from tragedies such as this. We tend to get lost in the news, and the opinions of others, rather than reminding ourselves of the most important thing: the more support and love we offer one another, the stronger we become walking away from a situation like this one. By joining together and creating a more united front, we give the world an example to follow in times of hardship.

I was fortunate enough to be accepted to the College of Charleston as part of the class of 2018 and even now, I strongly believe it was the best decision I have ever made. The city of Charleston has taught me the value of friendship, and the bond that grows between those friends out of love and respect for each other. I was blessed with a great group of friends and an amazing sisterhood my freshman year of college. These bonds are ones I know I will keep for a lifetime, ones that have helped me grow so much more in the past year than I could have ever imagined. These are the kinds of bonds made in a city such as this one.

Charleston is a city full of people who are willing to stand together and face adversity and tragedy head on and walk away, hand in hand. This city has become my home away from home. It has given me shelter, a sense of belonging, a friendly smile on a rough day, a hand to hold, and so much more. The most important thing this town has given me, however, is the restoration of my faith. Not just faith in a higher power, but faith that there are people in the world willing to help each other when they are in need, people that will stand up for what is right in a way that helps the community. I am so proud of Charleston's unity, and I hope that many others can take the example of this great city and benefit greatly from its determination to stay strong together.

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