How Health Firms Can Imbibe AI-Based Software Intelligence to Maintain Patients Data and Save Money | The Odyssey Online
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How Health Firms Can Imbibe AI-Based Software Intelligence to Maintain Patients Data and Save Money

AI-Based Software Intelligence to Maintain Patients Data and Save Money

How Health Firms Can Imbibe AI-Based Software Intelligence to Maintain Patients Data and Save Money

Artificial intelligence (AI) is designed with the ability to imitate the cognitive functions of humans. That means they can perform tasks commonly associated with humans in a quick time, hence saving companies and business owners a lot of money. This computer evolution is bringing a lot of changes in all sectors of our life. AI finds application in virtually all facets of society including the healthcare sector.

There is a gradual revolution in healthcare, this is powered by the enormous amount of healthcare data readily available and the rapid progress of AI in the analytics of such data using Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

This article dissects the role and importance of AI in helping the healthcare sector save time and money. It goes further to discuss how health care firms can integrate AI intelligence software or platforms for service optimization along with data management software systems for healthcare data.

The Role of AI in the Healthcare industry

There are many opportunities to leverage AI technology in the healthcare industry, from the management of increased patient health records to diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases, early detection of cancer, chronic care management, care delivery, self-care, clinical decision support amongst a host of other areas AI finds its application in the healthcare industry.

The potential impact and role that AI brings to the healthcare industry are now being increasingly recognized by many healthcare organizations, researchers, and professional organizations.

As the Topol Review of 2019 correctly cited "using AI-based technologies, automated image interpretation in radiology and pathology will lead to faster diagnosis, while speech recognition has the potential to free up more staff time to deliver care. AI will transform patient-generated data into clinically useful information, and empower patients to manage their health, or seek appropriate health support."

AI in the future will have so much impact in the healthcare industry and below are some of the roles it would play:

  • Diagnosis: Diagnostic AI solutions have proved efficient, accurate, and time-saving. They have been applied to resolving health issues when additional clinical work is required to find out underlying reasons for symptoms. There has been a variety of AI-assisted diagnostic tests such from automated live or dead cell counters to even more complex tests such as OLO (an AI integrated device efficient at counting blood cells at the point of care amongst other AI-assisted diagnostic tests). Several of these AI diagnostic applications have received regulatory approvals from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Examples of such applications include the LungAI used in lung nodule analysis that has proved very useful in the early detection of lung cancer. Google DeepMind has recently made an unprecedented success at training a neural network to recognize over 50 types of eye disease, by simply analyzing retinal scans. Most of the AI diagnostic applications are still focused on specific well-defined tasks and with an increase in technology, their potential in detecting diseases in the future is limitless.
  • Clinical Decision Making: AI will be critical at helping physicians and doctors in decision-making. AI models may be able to analyze and retrieve useful information from patient medical data and present this information in a structured way that could help medical doctors decide on the best treatment outcome for such patients, saving life and valuable time. For example, Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) with learning algorithms are already under development to assist physicians in clinical decision making.
  • Treatment: Asides AI efficiency in helping with patient's diagnosis. AI has also made steps in a more detailed approach for the management of diseases and helping patients to comply and manage with long-term treatment programs. For example, Aicare has had success in building AI software applications that help patients with long-term health conditions to monitor and adhere strictly to medication intake.
  • Care delivery and keeping well: Many AI-based software and applications have been effective in delivering healthcare to patients as well as providing health tips and instructions in staying healthy and managing health conditions.

The use of AI-based software and applications find it uses virtually in all areas of healthcare. They have been helpful in radiology, surgeries, cancer detection e.t.c. and medical professionals such as Cardiologists, Oncologists, Dermatologists along with medical patients have all benefited from the enormous potential of AI.

How can Healthcare Firms Integrate AI Intelligence Platforms for Service Optimization?

Health care firms and organizations stand a significant chance at benefiting from the potentials of AI base intelligence software and applications for service optimization. Health care firms that tap into integrating AI software intelligence platforms are likely to gain a long-term competitive advantage via the reduction in cost with better and efficient AI-assisted healthcare diagnosis, treatment, and healthcare delivery products or services to patients.

Recent studies conducted by Deloitte showed that healthcare organizations or firms that are integrating AI-based software and solutions into their systems are making processes 34% more efficient while enhancing existing products and services by 27%, and effectively lowering costs by 26%.

Integrating an effective AI intelligence platform into healthcare organizations can be quite challenging. AI deployment in a healthcare service line must be properly planned. Organizations must design a detailed plan of what AI-based software or platforms to implement, how, why, and when to implement these operational changes. Firms will also do well in evaluating the short- and long-term impact of this integration especially as regards the safety of their patients.

AI-based Data management software for Patient Data in Health firms

The healthcare industry generates vast amounts of data that AI technology leverages to build models and AI-based software. Top-notch companies have built a lot of AIs to enable healthcare firms to take advantage of AI-based technologies. Companies such as IBM, Google DeepMind, Elsevier, Interstates e.t.c have built AI software and technologies used in tracking patients' data of progress during treatments, managing EMR systems, predicting patients' behavior, drug development amongst other applications.

Usually, health organizations and firms find it difficult in evaluating their software needs, and integrating AI-based software and solutions into the healthcare line can prove quite challenging.

There is more...

Clearfind, with their cutting edge software intelligence platform, is able to help healthcare firms cut software spend down to 30 percent, saving them an enormous amount of money, time and energy. This is especially useful for CFO's of health firms who are spending an enormous amount of guesswork and resources trying to understand the best software for their firms needs. With Clearfind's intelligence platform, they are able to clearly see exactly what software tools are wasteful and which tools are actually needed within seconds, rather than months of manual research and thousands spent on unnecessary software spend.


In summary, it's prominent to know that AI technologies will continue to play a major role in the advancement of health solutions in the future. And firms that can integrate AI-based software intelligence platforms into their health systems would stand a competitive advantage in successfully maintaining patients' databases.

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