It's been a hard week and you deserve to relax and recharge your battery! Sometimes you don't want to go out with friends and party the night away. Sometimes all you really want is a quiet night, by yourself, to enjoy being alone and have a soothing spa night.
Set the date!
It's hard to do when you have roommates, especially if you share a bathroom. When dealing with roommates just talk things out. Try to plan out your night if your roommate(s) are going to be out and about! Or just talk to them about how you need some time to relax and ask them to just let you have the bathroom, no interruptions, for your personal spa night.
If you don't have roommates then just set aside some time that you'll turn off your phone and close yourself off from the rest of the world.
Buy what you need.
A spa night doesn't have to break the bank. I have spa nights once every couple weeks and it's never a pain in my pocket. You could buy things like bath bombs, face masks, and moisturizing lotion. For instance, instead of bath bombs I buy Epsom Salt with chamomile from CVS that is cheap and does the trick to relax my muscles! Also, I buy cheaper face masks (I like charcoal masks of green tea) they usually sell these for under $3 at stores like Wal-Mart or Target.
Set the mood.
Personally, I like to either listen to music or watch Netflix in my bathroom while I'm in the tub. I also pin my shower curtain away from my tub and light tea lights (also available super cheap at Wal-Mart) to set the mood. Make sure you keep all electronics a good amount away from any splash zones.
Sometimes, if I'm feeling extra, I like to bring in snacks like Twizzlers or drink wine.
Map out what you want to do.
Going from thing to thing happily is almost like meditation and really makes you feel like a person again! I usually get into the tub and exfoliate and when I get out I put on the face mask while I dry off and apply lotion. Once I wash the mask off I do and/or paint my nails. Once everything is over I feel clean, refreshed, and totally relaxed! I really feel like a brand new person and somehow all my negative feelings went down the drain with my bath water.
I always save things on my Netflix/Hulu queue so that I can watch things I've wanted to or catch up on shows I'm behind on!
I hope this was helpful in getting a step closer. It's always important to choose your health over anything else! If you get sick or don't take care of yourself you and your work will suffer. Give yourself some major TLC!