It's that time of year again: the hopeless and dreaded finals week. The only week where it is acceptable to cry in the middle of the library after getting little to no sleep in the library, being completely MIA from everyone and everything around you to the point that people think you are actually missing, and to take a nap at 10pm just so you can wake up in a couple of hours to finish studying, aka #teamnosleep. Coffee will be your best friend and sleep will be irrelevant, but help is on the way.
"Parks and Recreation" is here to save the day as they give you not only tips on how to survive finals, but even life's toughest problems:
Finals makes you feel like this...
Okay you get the picture...But at least you are better off than Rebecca...
You can always call in some back up for help:
How to stay as positive as possible according to Chris Traeger:
Even when you are on the brink of giving up:
Trying to get out of something... by any means possible:
How to make someone's day instantly:
How to show no weakness:
*Coffee, and yes, we will be needing this much:
How to help spice up your paper just a little bit:
Sticking to your diet because you know you have no time to go to the gym whatsoever this week:
Donna's motto in life holds true during finals:
So take a break and have just a little bit of fun for yourself:
...But you try to anyway...
Or you could just deal with the pain and just let it happen:
How to make yourself feel better going into your finals:
How you should look at your mess of a life and how to accept it: ("No Ragrets," am I right?)
How to respond to someone judging you when you haven't started studying:
Literally, the answer to all of your problems:
And you may not have it all together...
...But believing in yourself is key:
The internet always knows how to fix everything!
How to let everyone know that you are doing just fine... It's only finals, right?
Running out of coffee when it was your only hope...
...But just remember to always have as much enthusiasm as Ron Swanson:
...And Andy Dywer:
Luckily, if all else fails, Andy has your back (especially with Karate):
Pizza is the answer to everything:
When you are feeling alone, just remember...
How to make yourself feel just a little bit better on the inside:
What a good friend would do to help you get through the week:
When you really are not in the mood to talk to anyone:
And after, you know there is one thing that will always have your back:
Just kidding! Listen to Ron's advice instead:
And even though this may have been you...
You know that everything will be fine in the end:
If you can take on life like "Parks and Rec" can, then you truly can do anything.
Bring it on, finals!