Finals week in high school is nothing compared to finals week in college. Once you get back from Thanksgiving Break it is just a mad jumble of assignment and due dates before finals are thrown at you. Here are the 5 most important things to do and keep in mind if you want to survive finals week.
1. Designate yourself breaks while studying.
This is the most important tip out of all of them. I have made the mistake of just pushing through and trying to study, this NEVER works! You either start losing focus or you start getting on your phone. To get around this, you need to set yourself breaks every so often. After two hours or three give yourself a five-minute break. Yes, you are taking five minute away from study time but it is better than having to re-read something or go back and study an extra 30 minutes because you were zoning out.
2. Naps and more naps.
I am a fan of naps. Naps have literally gotten me through college this far. Naps are a blessing to college students and we are never ashamed to admit that. Naps help the brain refresh and give it a time to cool down before you start back up studying again.
3. DO NOT skip a meal.
Food is extremely important also. I tell myself that after this paragraph is done then I will go get food. Then that turns into after this page is done I will go eat. Never ever put off food because then you will either start to get hangry or jittery. Both is not necessary when you can just go grab or make some food.
4. Outline your day!
Outline, outline, and outline some more. It has helped me stay on track and marking off the items that I have done makes it so much more satisfying.
5. Go to bed on time.
Yes, I did just say go to bed on time. Staying up to finish something because you’re on a roll and you won’t get up in the morning isn’t a good excuse. Stop and pick it up in the morning. Your brain will thank you later.
Good luck everyone and remember that you can do it!
xx M