Something that can be hard to feel motivated to do!
I can relate hard to this! I don't own a car or any form of transportation, OK I have a bike, so I use my legs to get around. Going to the gym scared me, I don't know about you, but being around people of the opposite sex watching you sweat and exercise is not appealing to me. I had no motivation to go.
Then my good friend started to go with me and it did motivate me, but eventually my membership ended! It sucked because this girl loves her food and losing weight or keeping the same healthy weight was a struggle. So I normally walk everywhere as I had said and that keeps me somewhat in shape.
I love dancing too, that also helps me stay in shape, I have been dancing since I was little. I love it, I lose weight because that helps, but again if I don't have anyone to do it with, I lose my motivation. So this semester at school I started a fitness program which allows students to go on walks, walks on their own, scheduled walks, walks to other places in town, however. One perk of this is for $10 you can loan a new Fitbit!!!!! For almost a year you can own a Fitbit and it tracks EVERYTHING! It's cool and it motivates me to get up and walk and when I am lazy doing homework or watching tv, I put a reminder and it will vibrate me to get going. It also tracks the quality of sleep I get, how many hours of sleep I get, my steps, how many flights of stairs I've taken, my food intake, how much water I intake and how many calories I lose. How cool is that. This Fitbit is super motivating for me, as is dancing with a friend in a class or going to the gym with a gym buddy!! What motivates you to get moving?