I am a person that often asks “Why me?” I so often wonder why God puts me through the things he does or has. I feel like I have the worst luck at times, and if we’re being real, I sometimes do. Even my friends could tell you that.
It also seems like I always attract broken people (men, friends, etc) that absolutely suck the life/happiness from me. I have never understood why, and I have often prayed for God to remove these toxic people from my life; yet, for some reason, it seems like he continues to send them my way.
It was just the other week that for many nights in a row, I prayed for God to remove someone who was hurting me continuously out of my life if they were not meant to be there, or if they were doing me more harm than good.
Honestly, it seemed like I couldn’t get rid of this person no matter how hard I tried. It seemed like they continuously popped up throughout the day, whether I saw their vehicle, their name, and at some point, they even texted me. I just did not understand why God would let someone in stay in my life that continued to make my heart hurt.
But I stopped for a minute. I finally stopped and thought to myself, “Well, maybe I’m being selfish.” I never stopped and thought about role that God gave me in their life. I never realized that I could be playing a significant and impacting role in their book of life. I could be a blessing, a lesson, a mistake. We truly never know how He is using us.
We find ourselves asking “Why?” so often that we don’t stop and look at the big picture. We don’t truly know who we are to anyone or how we are perceived on the other end. I never stopped and thought that the reason I might be attracting damaged people because I have a naturally healing aura. Sometimes you have to remember that it’s not your job to heal everyone that enters your life, but often times you do play more of an integral role than you could ever imagine.
So before you ask “Why?” trust that God is using you in ways that you could never begin to fathom.