We have all hit that point in the semester where we are just done. We have reached midterm, and our motivation is dwindling, stress is at a maximum, and the future we are working for seems to be getting farther and farther away. I decided to do the extensive research to find out just how exactly we are to get through and push till the end!
1. Give Yourself Time
As hard as it is to not hit snooze five times, force yourself to get up out of bed. This will allow you to make your bed, get ready, have a good breakfast, make your coffee, and walk out the door in no rush. Not being in a rush makes you have everything together and collect all your thoughts to start your day off right.
2. Don't overanalyze
Overanalyzing will get you nowhere. Things are the way they are so accept it. All you can do is try your hardest and after that, let whatever happens, happen. In the end, it will all workout.
3. Feelings are not Facts
I read a good blog post that said fear comes up on us without any warning, but fear simply means F(alse) E(vidence) A(ppearing) R(eal). Make sure to not believe your negative feelings and replace them with positive.
4. Don't get ahead of yourself
You only live in the present so don't fill your mind with all that is in the future. Be aware of everything you need to do, but don't get overwhelmed. Make a to-do list and take one thing at a time.
5. Smile
Take a second and just smile! Go do something you love and that makes you smile. Look at everything you have already accomplished and remember you are on the right track of your ultimate goal.
6. Inspire Yourself
Look up quotes and inspiring bible verses. Sometimes reading those can give you that little push to get you through the day. Making a Pinterest board full of quotes is even a good idea!
7. Be Social
Go to your sorority's social, go to dinner, or hangout with your friends and have a chill night. Be social, do something, and don't feel guilty about it!
8. Pet a dog
Because honestly, how does a dog not make everything better?
9. Do something for someone else
You can get the best feeling of accomplishment by helping someone out. Donate, volunteer, surprise someone with something. Just do an act of kindness and it'll make you feel good about yourself!
10. Take your mom's advice
Mothers are never wrong.
11. Don't over drink
Having too much alcohol will make you hungover and you won't get much done the next day- if you need a drink to unwind, stick to getting a buzz!
Having too much coffee can make you jittery and uneasy-have one cup and find an alternative drink, like tea!
12. Realize and Accept your flaws
We all have them, so don't be afraid to recognize yours! Accept them and then learn how you can work around them.
13. Remember all the good things
Remember all the good things in your life and hang onto them. Maybe even write them down so you can always go back and read about everything you do have.
14. Cry
We all want to at some point, so just do it! Let it all out and then regroup and make a plan of how you will do everything, because you will!
15. Have Faith
Nobody said it would be easy, but at least you are doing it. You are trying, you are getting there, and you will get there and be just fine.