Last week a wave of excitement flooded over me because I came to the realization that in about a week I would be on the beach — one of my favorite places to be in the world. Then a second wave hit me, but this was a wave of anxiety because I came to another realization that I didn't have the "beach body" I had hoped for and constantly pinned pictures of on Pinterest.
But then I had a third realization come to me — so what?
I of all people will be the first to admit that I dedicate a lot of my thoughts about myself to wishing I had the "perfect beach body" like so many women I see on different social media sites all the time. You know kind of like this ...
(this picture was chosen directly from one of my Pinterest boards)
But I've decided that I am done having these pictures consume my thoughts and contributing to me putting myself down. I don't look like the girls in these pictures, but it's ok. I eat chicken nuggets and ice cream and I don't go to the gym every day because I have other responsibilities that I value more than getting the "perfect bikini body.
"Yeah I'd say I'm in pretty OK shape — I walk around all day at work, try not to eat junk food all the time and I weigh what my suggested weight is for my height. Am I in the best shape possible? Of course not — I'm a college student who works, is involved in multiple organizations and gives my best attempt at trying to fit in a short workout here or there.
I understand that I'm not going to look like the girls in the beach body pictures because I most likely don't have the same lifestyle as they do. And if someone does happen to look like these girls then by no means am I putting them down — that's awesome that they have accomplished their dream body, but me? I'm busy broke, hardworking, and probably craving chili cheese tots.
And you know what?
My body is not going to stop me from participating in all of the fun opportunities the summer and beach has to offer. I'm going to lay out in the sun, play sports in the sand, and even get in the water. Yeah sure, certain parts of me are probably going to jiggle a little bit and the sunlight might not flatter all of my curves and edges but it's OK because who doesn't have these problems?
I'm not going to apologize or feel ashamed of myself because I enjoy watching movies and eating a few too many chicken nuggets here and there. I'm going to enjoy myself and be confident in myself no matter what I weigh or however I look.
To clear things up, I've put together a few steps to help you get the perfect beach body.
Step 1: Undress.
Step 2: Put on your bathing suit.
Step 3: BOOM — you're beach body ready.