Let me just start by saying being sick sucks. I am that person who is always sick now, after a childhood of only being sick maybe once or twice a year I am not the person who has had three ear infections, two sinus affections, and countless colds, not to mention allergies, all in one year. It has gotten out of hand.
So I have learned a few things that really do help when you’re sick.
1. Get way more sleep than you would ever think you would need.
2. Drink alllll the water. Like all of it and then keep drinking.
3. Absolutely do not go out and be active for a week.
I have a horrible habit of feeling a little bit better and going out and then getting three times sicker than I was before.
4. Vitamin C is your new bestie.
You want to care for your bestie and love your bestie. You need to drink with your bestie, so take a ton of vitamin C. Drink orange juice, take the chewable tablets, or IDK if you inject it, but just find a way to get a ton of it into your system.
5. Eat light foods
Don’t make your body work too hard on digesting all of your food. Instead, eat lighter and have your body only work on getting you healthy again.