I think we all have projects and goals we want to start or get around to someday that we keep putting off. Maybe it's learning how to play an instrument, writing a book, learning a new language, or getting in shape. It can be difficult to find the motivation to do something you ultimately want to do but is difficult to get started on.
So, here's some ideas on how to get yourself motivated to reach your goals.
1. Stop making excuses.
Sometimes even if we really want to complete a goal, our brain intervenes with all sorts of reasons not to do it. "Eh, I have a headache," or, "It takes too much time," or, "It's too much effort," or even doubts like, "Will it really lead to anything?" I say, the bottom line is, if you really want to get something accomplished, and it won't hurt yourself or others, then do it. Don't wait until you feel like doing it:
2. Don't be a perfectionist.
This is related to the first one, but it's more along the lines of, don't wait for the ideal time or circumstances to get something done. Newsflash: nothing in life is ever ideal. There's always downsides and upsides to everything. So don't wait until the weather is perfect to go running. Don't wait until you feel energized and inspired to start writing that novel.
But don't be too perfectionistic about your goals, either. Try to set realistic, achievable goals for yourself, and give yourself credit for the progress you make, even if it's just a little bit of progress compared to the amount you wanted to make.
3. Just get started.
Again, don't wait. If you really want something (again, that doesn't harm anyone, including yourself), then go for it! Even if the conditions aren't super great, start it if you're able to. Start. Starting is always the hardest part, but once you start, you might be surprised at how much you can get done.
4. Reward yourself and take breaks.
One thing I did freshman year of college was, when I had a book to read for a class, at the end of each chapter, I'd allow myself to eat a handful of dark chocolate M&M's. Another rule of thumb for me was taking a 15 minute break for every hour of homework I completed. Both of those tactics allowed me to do my work with a better attitude and the breaks helped me come back to it with a refreshed mind.
5. Visualize the outcomes you'd like to come out of accomplishing your goal.
Think of why you want to accomplish the goal, and hold a picture of what that would mean for your life in your mind. Maybe it's you smiling in the mirror, more self-confident after working out regularly, or it's holding that college diploma, feeling free and excited for the future, after years of hard work. When you have a clear idea of what it is you want to get out of your goal, and really imagine it happening, that can be a great motivator for accomplishing your goal.
Good luck on whatever it is you want to get done! Here's a cute GIF to help with your motivation: