When I was about ten I learned a quote that sort of went like this "With the bad comes the good". I'm not sure that's exactly how it went but to this day that quote has come to mind at least once a day. I'm constantly reminding myself of this quote. I don't know where I learned it from or even how such a simple phrase stuck with me for almost a decade after. But, this quote has carried me through even the toughest situations in life. Every time I found myself in a hard place I kept reminding myself, that with this bad comes the good. There is always a light at the end of this tunnel and something good will come out of this. Just giving myself this gleam of hope has absolutely shaped the person I am today. I'm conditioned to always see the brighter side of a challenge no matter the severity.
Sometimes life throws you some pretty shady situations. This summer has made me realize how the blessings in life can definitely dominate the negative things going on. This doesn't always come easy, though. I'm only one to talk. This summer has been a whirlwind of stress and the first thing I always thought of was how full my glass is. We're not super humans and we can't push things to the back of our head and fill our thoughts with sparkles and unicorns. We get upset, we have melt-downs and we aren't perfect. The glass may be full and while we know it is, we see the other half. We see the empty. It's there and when we feel most vulnerable the empty just seems to stand out a lot more than the full.
While the hard times make the blessings in life fall out of focus, it is so important to pull yourself back in and remember what's most important in life. The amount of blessings in our lives are endless. From the roof over your head, to the shoes on your feet, to the full belly, you have, to the sun shining above us. When we step back and remember all of the blessings in our life, the hard times don't seem as bad. The stress starts to lessen and the positivity starts to flow again. You have to take the bad with the good. It's a balance, and not an easy one. But it's a balance worth fighting for. I promise you that