It’s that time of year again! It’s housing selection time! Time to select where you want to live and with whom. This is not an easy process when Reslife distributes random times and does not have enough rooms available for all the returning students who will need housing. We all stress about it until the day comes. We make plans. Then they are all ruined. So, here are a few things to remind you of how you felt, not that long ago trying to select your housing.
1. When you have to pay the housing deposit and they close soon…
“I’d get there faster if these geese would just get out of my way!”
2. When you see you have the latest possible selection time...
Having a late selection time is awful, especially when trying to get into a certain building. This year Blanton was practically unobtainable if you did not have one of the first selection times.
3. When all of your friends have an early selection time...
This is one of the worst feelings. You constantly question what you did wrong. You needed that early time and all of your friends got it.
4. When you're waiting for your selection time...
Nothing is worse than watching the minutes tick down until your selection time, especially when you are sitting in class watching the clock like it was going to go faster.
5. When you have one minute until your selection time...
“Oh, the anxiety!”
6. When you finally get into the system and it won't let you pick the roommate you want...
This is such an awful feeling. You have planned to live with this person possibly since pre-k. This person knows you are a messy person and is okay with it.
7. When you wanted to live in Blanton but there's only spaces left in the heights...
Blanton is a heck of a lot cheaper than the heights. That is why you wanted to live there. But, Reslife had a different plan for you, even if you can’t afford it.
8. When you get placed into Sinatra and see how many roommates you'll have...
Seven roommates? Seven people to share the bathroom with? Seven people that could potentially keep you awake when you have an 8:30am class? Yikes!
9. When you look up who your random roommate assignment is...
Sometimes you get the best possible random roommate. Other times they are a little scary. But, you should never judge a book by it’s cover.
10. When you call your parents crying because you got the wrong room...
Parents just do not seem to get it. Where you live determines how your whole year will go!
11. When somehow all your friends ended up in the same building as you...
This is one of the best feelings in the world. Imagine not living by your friends? Imagine not having your support system right by your side, or at least a few floors down? It could be catastrophic!
Choosing housing is never easy. But don't worry you can always apply for a room change before next year.