That last feeling of freedom was ripped away from you the moment you walked back on campus after spring break. Goodbye sleeping in all day, having no regard for anything, unforgettable trips with your closet friends and not checking your homework once. It was an entire week of pure "do whatever you want" and boy did you. The Mexico nostalgia is real.
1. "Wow I'm Broke"
It was spring break you went out to eat, went to clubs with your friends, bought over priced airport food, and basically spent money without a second thought. Then comes the moment when you have to check your bank account. You put it off as long as possible but there comes a time when you have to realize, you're broke as hell. Bring on the ramen dinners and spoonfuls of peanut butter.
2. Laundry = Your Entire Closet
You swore wore the same four things over and over your entire trip but yet your entire floor is covered in laundry. There's literally a full mountain range of dirty clothes on your floor because the idea of doing three loads in one day makes you want to take a nap instead. This is also the time when your roommate and you have an unspoken agreement that it's okay to be living out of a suitcase on the floor for at least three days.
3. Story Swapping
You can't wait to meet up with all your friends who went your separate ways during
4. "What Responsibilities?"
"I have two projects, three quizzes and a test this week?!" "My boss is trying to kill me." "I swear I've never been this busy in my LIFE!" All phrases regurgitated over and over as your free 'spring break spirit' is slowly crushed by responsibilities. There is no waiting time coming back to reality it has hit us all full force and it's not sorry.
5. Summer Countdown Begins
The weather is warming up, midterms are ending and summer is 5 weeks away. FIVE WEEKS PEOPLE THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Get that countdown app and plug it in because I know you can't wait. Spring break was just a tease for the real