Every August since I was 5, I've gotten ready to go to school/back to school. New pencils, new notebooks, and new clothes were all necessary for heading back. Now I'm 22, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not buying new binders, not packing up all the stuff I unpacked in May, and I'm not excited to see all of my friends bundled up in one convenient place. It is an INCREDIBLY depressing mindset to be in, so naturally I thought putting these feelings into an article would help.
1. How I feel when I see back to school commercials.
2. How I feel when I see my friends posting about going back to school.
3. How I feel when I see new roommates taking pictures.
4. How I feel when I'm not getting emails from my new teachers.
5. How I feel knowing I won't see a lot of my friends ever again.
6. How I feel seeing everyone post photos of their packed cars.
7. How I feel when they're all happy and excited to see each other.
8. How I feel when they're posting pictures from the first weekend of move in.
9. How I feel knowing how depressing I'm being as the alum who misses college so much.
Everything is the wooooooooorst.