Since June has just begun, the memories of senior year and especially graduation have been on my mind. The fact that the class of 2015, my class, graduated from high school nearly a year ago is crazy and I can’t seem to wrap my head around it.
Now, this isn’t a bad thing at all because I honestly don’t think I could ever go back to high school after experiencing college, that’s for sure. It’s just weird because all of my friends who were the juniors when my class was seniors are now graduating and are about to start a new chapter of their lives just like my class did one year ago. Seeing all of the Facebook statuses, Instagram posts and tweets about the class of 2016 graduating make me feel old. Yes, I know I’m not actually that old, but you get the point.
Who would have thought that one-year could go by so fast after being done with high school? Not me in a million years. I thought college was so daunting when I was in high school but now it’s just another part of my life that will be over in three short years. I’ve experienced and done so much in this past year that I never had the opportunity to do when I was in school for eight hours a day five days a week from K-12. Being in college and actually having free time is incredible. Everyone told me that college is the best four years of your life and that it will fly by in the blink of an eye. Let me just tell you, they were right.
It’s funny, right about now at this time last year, class day, our senior trip, baccalaureate, sports banquets and scholarship banquets were all taking place. Flash-forward to right now and all I’m doing is working and recovering from my first year of college. It’s a completely different schedule than I had last year at this time and it has me feeling pretty nostalgic. I say nostalgic because I’m just reminiscing in the past rather than being sad about it. Of course I wish I could rewind and have graduation and do the last few weeks of senior year over again but I obviously can’t and it’s yet another memory I have from a very important time in my life.
As the years go on, I will keep looking back at the anniversary of my high school graduation and wonder where the time has gone. As another year passes it will get more and more surreal but I can’t wait to see what lies ahead in my future, so I might as well keep looking forward right? Absolutely.
As a reminder to the class of 2016 and also the underclassman still in high school, take in every moment because every time a year passes and you grow older, time is going to go by a little bit faster. With that being said, I want to leave this off with the wise words of Ferris Bueller.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”