So for those of you who are unfamiliar with what EDM is, it is a music genre and the letters stand for electronic dance music. Over the past few years, EDM has grown to become one of the most popular music genres listened to by a majority of young adults, attracting the young crowd with its loud, catchy beats created by many different deejays. Ranging from aspiring artists to some of the top renowned deejays in the world, these people have created art that has brought together thousands of people who have found a common love for this work of art.
I have personally been listening to EDM for about five or six years. Middle school was the time of sitting in my room and searching for hours for new music and secluding myself from the rest of the world to find all of the latest songs being put out by some of my favorite deejays. At the time, this genre was not a very highly respected form of music by most people I knew. People judged me for listening to it because to them, this was not music. Music had to include singers, instruments, background music, and all those sorts of things. How could music possibly be something just created by a computer spewing out random noises at various speeds and tones? Well let me tell you, it is more than just that.
EDM has formed a culture and a family, and has created so many friendships that will last a lifetime for some of us. Music festivals are more than just a place we go to listen to our music, and yes, it is music. They are a place where we feel at home with our family. PLUR may be just a word to people who are not part of this family, but to us it means peace, love, unity, respect. It is something that describes how everyone is friends and we let our differences go when we are together and we just have fun doing what we love.
I feel like you can grow as a person from becoming a part of this community. You will make new friends, find a new passion of enjoying this music, be able to create life-lasting memories and find yourself at home when surrounded by these people. The deejays don’t just stand up there because they like the attention. They do it to bring happiness and joy to those around them and because they love what they do. No one person is better than another when you are a part of this community. Everyone here is just a part of one big family. So give it a listen, take a chance; there is no harm in trying.