How Dom Lucre, The 28 Year Old Black Entrepreneur is providing Free Credit Repair For The Homeless | The Odyssey Online
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How Dom Lucre, The 28 Year Old Black Entrepreneur is providing Free Credit Repair For The Homeless

Free Credit Repair

How Dom Lucre, The 28 Year Old Black Entrepreneur is providing Free Credit Repair For The Homeless

Free Credit Repair

At a time when more and more people are feeling anxious about their finances, one company is bringing the magic of selflessness back to the Economy.

Although they may be a young company that started in 2018,Credit Cadabra has already grown into a leading organization, becoming one of the most searched-for financial advising companies in America. Under the new scheme devised by founderDom Lucre, those Americans without a fixed address can access Credit Cadabra’s $89 service for free. The service includes support in all areas of derogatory dispute, credit advice, litigation eligibility, and more, including tailored tips and a personal roadmap to a healthier, more stable credit score.

Credit Cadabra leverages the unique and extensive experience of the team - led by financial expert and philanthropist Dom Lucre - who implement robust, proven credit report repair strategies to challenge questionable items and dispute derogatory remarks across all areas of student loans, collections, medical bills, late payments, bankruptcies, and more. To date, Credit Cadabra has achieved an impressive 94% success rate in improving scores

The Man Behind It All

“With our program 'Credit Where Rent's Due' which provides the homeless with credit repair, we want to set a standard for the American people that something can be done if we stop doing nothing at all.”

-Dom Lucre

28-year-old entrepreneur and philanthropist Dom Lucre (Dominick Andrew McGee) “The past few years have been challenging from a financial perspective, and that’s putting it lightly. We know that many Americans have from the pandemic and that they’re worried about their future – and that’s amplified for those who are currently homeless. With our program "Credit Where Rent's Due" we want to set a standard for the American people that something can be done if we stop doing nothing at all. We also want to signal that they don’t have to face this alone; that there are companies out there - companies like Credit Cadabra - that are committed to helping however we can. We hope that, by extending the opportunity to access our services for free we hope that we can be an example of how it is possible to help each other without smoke and mirrors.

Dom has spent the last 2 years of his life dedicated to public service. He started his journey of servitude in Chattanooga TN. Dom helped start a non-profit organization named Citizen's Crusade to assist with the growing number of homeless citizens in Chattanooga. They would go to the largest camps in the city and administer vitamins, land restoration, pest control, water, and provide emergency services when needed. During his time in the Crusade, Dom began to feel it was his calling to do more, this is what led to him becoming State Director of the Blexit Tennessee, a conservative non-profit that helped him garnish the experience needed to pursue his current goal.

Dom parted ways with Blexit after he was removed from the organization for recruiting a Nashvillian that identified with the LGBTQ movement to his leadership team, "I have always put myself in my neighbor's shoes, Bringing passion and compassion has always been a goal of mine. I am oftentimes referred to as the 'breaker of narratives' I am willing to stand for the betterment of society even if that means standing against society alone.

This Service Has Arrived At The Perfect Time

Credit Cadabra offer comes at a time when 77% of Americans are reporting Recent research suggests that three-quarters of Americans have missed a credit card payment due to COVID-19 and that around one-third have undertaken some sort of activity that has had a negative impact on their credit rating. This all comes just a few years following extensive changes to the FICO scoring system which resulted in an estimated 40 million Americans losing 20 points on their score, or even more

28-year-old Dom can’t sit back and do anything during this difficult time. The South Carolina native, whose family experienced financial struggles while he was growing up, is keen to help out in any way possible. With our economy being in a whirlpool of uncertainty for the last two years, this is the best time to start thinking about what each of us can do to protect each other should things turn for the worst. There are currently more than 600,000 Americans experiencing homelessness, what is even more striking is that 1 in every 50 children that your feet walk past are also homeless, it is reassuring to know that they have another resource that is dedicated to giving them a hand.

To take advantage of the offer, visit their website, a verification process will be carried out prior to the provision of service to confirm your eligibility.

Credit Cadabra is on a mission to provide the fastest and most affordable credit repair services to the nation. Credit Cadabra’s goal is to fight bad credit with the most powerful tool a credit repair company should use - transparency - and the organization has already helped thousands of consumers get back onto the path of financial freedom.

Join Dom Lucre at his socials to support him in his cause:

Instagram: @DomLucre

Twitter: @DomLucre

Facebook: @DomLucre1

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