Views on YouTube are more complicated than you think. For example, just clicking on a video isn't enough for it to become a view, nor will refreshing the video multiple times increase its views. So what exactly is a view on YouTube, and how much of a YouTube video counts as a view?
This article will tell you about the YouTube method of counting views and how you can boost YouTube views.
How Much Of A YouTube Video Counts As A View?
A view is recorded each time a viewer deliberately watches a YouTube video and watches it for atleast 30 seconds. And yes, when you watch your own video, that also counts as a view on YouTube. But just because your views are counted doesn’t mean if you keep watching your own video, it’ll increase your views.
YouTube only counts views when they come in naturally, so refreshing the video 10 times doesn’t add to 10 views on your channel. So don’t try to trick the system, as it won’t work, and you'll be wasting your time.
How To Boost YouTube Views?
So how can you boost YouTube views for your channel? You've tried promoting your video on all your social media channels and asked all your close friends and family to like and subscribe. What comes next?
Here are some ways you can increase views on your channel:
Post At The Right Time
You will need some time to figure out what the right time is for your audience, but once you figure that out, posting your video at the exact time your audience is browsing YouTube will get you quick views.
It is also essential to be consistent with your upload timings. Once your loyal audience knows your posting schedule, they will open YouTube at that time to look for your new content.
Market Your Videos Smartly
As a new YouTuber, the only marketing you know is on social media. Marketing your YouTube videos goes beyond that. Your next step is to buy YouTube views. Buying views will introduce your videos to a new audience and get you real views in no time.
One thing you should be mindful of while buying views is that you must purchase them from a trusted source. After all, you want a real audience watching your videos.
Encourage Viewers To Subscribe
Your YouTube organic reach is correlated with your subscriber numbers. Your videos will receive more views as soon as you hit publish if your channel has more subscribers. Subscribers get notifications, and they go and watch your videos.
So don’t hesitate to ask your viewers to hit the subscribe button and even the bell icon for notification. Your subscribers become your loyal viewers, and your viewers become subscribers. This is a cycle you need to keep going if you want to be successful on YouTube.
So now you know how much of a youtube video counts as a view. So getting a view on YouTube is not that difficult; all the viewer needs to do is watch 30 seconds of your video. So if you make even a strong intro to your videos, you will have constant views.