In light of the recent tragedies our world today seems to be a bad place. A place filled with hate, sadness, and intolerance. Where people who are different from what is considered “normal” do not feel safe. I do not blame them for feeling that way. If you are different in any way people judge you and some even hate you for being different. They do not like that you are not like them. In this world we are learning you have to expect the unexpected. Tragedies can happen in the blink of an eye. It seems like even walking down the street too late at night you aren’t safe. Our world today is filled with hate, fear, inequality, and sadness. Because of this innocent lives are being taken too soon. Is this the type of world we really want to live in?
Now you see this one way to look at the world. This is how our world is at this moment in time. It is not how our world has to be or how it could be in the future. Our world is the way it is because of the way we see things and how we react to them. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” We need to stop living in a world of hate and intolerance and start living in one with love and tolerance.
I see the world with a bright future. I have hope that we will overcome this hate and tragedy through love and compassion. To me the world is full of lovable and caring people no matter their differences. We should all be equal because we are all human. We were all created with unique and different personalities because be honest who would want to live in a world where we were all the same person? It would be like living with robots. There would be no fun in that. Our differences make us who we are. No one should have to live in fear because of this.
I see the good in our world even during the darkest of times. All of these tragedies have caused sadness, but they have also shown love and compassion. This love and compassion comes afterwards when we all come together to show our support for those who were effected. During this time the differences seem to fade away. We are all one. We are there to take care of each other.
Now how come we cannot take this same love and compassion and carry it on all the time? It only seems to last a few days or maybe weeks after a tragedy occurs. We need to make sure this does not happen anymore. We should be spreading this love, compassion, and support everyday not just when things go bad. I believe that if we do this our world will seem less evil and more safe.
I see the world as it could be; a place where we can be different without any fear. A place where we can all live in unison without losing any more innocent lives. Now I know that not everyone is going to love everyone, but at least be tolerate towards them. Just because they are different does not mean they are bad.
How we choose to see the world has a big influence on how we act in it. Our choices and actions make our world the way it is. If we choose to look at the world in the way it could be then we may have a chance at making it a better place. Now ask yourself how do you see the world? Do you want to make it better? It is up to you. You can help change our world by just changing the way you see it.