Why am I here? Not here in this seat, with my Macbook on my lap, sliding my fingers across the keypad: but here on this Earth. What is my purpose? We all have so many we will come across understanding at different times within our lives.
I am here bearing gifts, we all are. I bring gifts of smiles, happiness, acceptance, awareness, and truth.
What my main purpose is, is to #ShareASmile.
Life tests us enough, there is no need for us to test others. It is a waste of time and energy to do so. You never truly know a person, or what they have, or are going through. Each of us hold secrets. We hold words and thoughts in our minds to, as we believe, protect not only others, but ourselves as well. However, it is sometimes good to keep certain things private from the public eye.
My purpose is to be accepting, to hush my mouth and open my mind.
Purpose is strength, love, and motivation for troubles yet to come. We are meant to have gone through hardships. These are what shape us into who we will be today, tomorrow, and in the future.
Most of us have not found our true purposes. That's alright. Stay open, stay in touch with yourselves, and be willing to accept what things may happen. We may have extremely rough patches, but they do not define us, nor do they last. It may be sunny now, and it may begin to storm, but the sun will always come out another day.
Our purpose is to stay strong during our struggles, find the light, and to help those if we can.
Each of us have a purpose. If unknowing, start by being accepting, to hush our mouths and open our minds.