This question is tougher than any mystery I've had to figure out before. It feels like this should evident and easy. Why can't God just send me a text and give me a step by step instruction of what He wants and what would be easy? Why do I have to stumble and feel overwhelmed? Why do I have to feel out of place?
If you're like me, you've felt like you've been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your class, your summer internship, your career, or all of the other life pieces felt shattered and out of place at some point. I've felt like going into the career field I'm going into, God would prepare me, then I'd be ready to go. We all might think that; we're waiting for it. The truth is it's a process. If you're like me, you've entertained the thought that faith comes with success and a platform. Faith is the foundation and the platform is our lives. God calls into a role and builds us up into the person He want us to be.
Wouldn't life be nice if God did just outline everything? Can't He just give us a GPS for each decision we need to make? God gave us the opportunity to grow by giving us these choices. He didn't abandon us either. Prayer and wise council are two options, cross that, two necessities we need in our life. Choices make us the person we are. Wrong ones don't deter us from the path we're supposed to be on, either. They give us a chance to step back up and step up.
Shake it off. Life is short, and so are our opportunities. I've spent time worrying about whether I made the right call. Did we handle that situation okay? Is that friendship the way it's meant to be? The truth is, if we put God first and people second it's hard to do wrong. No, it's not as simple as it sounds, but it doesn't have to be more complicated than we make out to be either. Life holds no guarantees of anything. If we are where we're meant to be, then we will thrive. It doesn't mean we won't struggle or have a steep climb, but it does mean we'll understand and have a sense of peace. Fulfilling our purpose shouldn't give us a sense of depression and helplessness. Selecting the place where God wants us should provide hope, not a feeling of despair. I'm at a point of looking ahead and I'm intimidated too.
I'm not sure where God has placed me moving forward. However, I don't feel called anywhere else, so I'm remaining still. I'm telling you this as I'm figuring this out. It can definitely be difficult to overlook what looks easy and comfortable and retreat. I don't know many kinds of the struggles and questioning you're going through. I can't tell you what to do, but I can say that God has a plan for your struggle right now. He has a plan for your life going forward from here, wherever here is. Love people the way God would. Use what you're good at to do a practical skill people need. Do that and do it in the way you know God would want to the best of your ability. If you're acting in a way you know God would be pleased with, then you're doing something right. Don't get tripped up by overthinking. Put faith and love first. Seriously, God didn't create more than one you. Your life is unique, and the faith you and I share is stronger than any of us can imagine.