I have loved Disney movies since I can remember being old enough to sit down and watch a movie.
Like a lot of girls, I loved the idea that 'some day my prince will come' and take me away to live happily ever after.
It doesn't take a person long in adulthood to realize there is no such thing as "happily ever after," but Disney helps prepare us for the not so happily ever after too.
So much wisdom in this statement. Learning from a tough past not just trying to forget it ever happened. Your past can either make you bitter or better. Tough stuff happens to everyone how we deal with it, that is what tells the world the kind of people we are.
This is such a hard lesson to learn. I know I get so down when life doesn't turn out the way I planned. Change is hard but it isn't always a bad thing.
Isn't this the truth. Life is an adventure and just about the time you think you have life figured out something comes along to show you that you don't.
I am a planner and it's good to plan, I learned the hard way to plan but be ready for something to happen to completely mess up my plans and when that happens, roll with it.
Some of the most disappointing times in life are when plans don't work the way we see them in our heads.
I went on a mission trip once and the leader kept telling us to be open to change and our motto should be "cheerful, flexible and thankful". Great advice when you are traipsing through Russia, and good advice in life.
Some of the toughest times in my life have become some of the most precious memories. When my husband and I were first married we didn't have any money. We would scrape up enough change to go get whatever was on special at McDonalds as a date. I hated that time going through it, but in retrospect those dates were probably some of the most fun we ever had together. Tough times can sometimes become sweet memories if you let them.
One of the hardest things to do is forgive others. Rafiki got it right with this quote we forgive because we deserve to have peace.
I just loved Edna. So many nuggets of wisdom about life. I will never wear a cape without thinking of Edna,
Disney movies even taught us the importance of good Grammar.
When worse came to worse and all of the words of wisdom about love and forgiveness just wouldn't work they showed us how to handle those times too.
Remember that some of the most unexpected things that happen in life can lead to some of the greatest adventures.
Haply ever after can happen it just doesn't happen like the movies. Haply ever after takes a lot of work but when it happens it is better than the movies.