During my high school years I had the opportunity to be in an organization that changed my life, for three years, and that organization is DECA. Now being a part of a Greek life organization for the rest of my life, I thank DECA for preparing me to be a member. DECA has formed me into the student and sorority woman I am now! DECA has prepared me for Greek life in the following ways:
1. You Never Had a Problem with Handshake’s During Rounds
You’ve got the whole handshake thing down pat. You know a successful hand shake consists of: a three to five-second shake, not too hard, not too soft; eye contact; and a good introduction. It has never seemed so easy thanks to those countless amounts of judge’s hands you’ve had to shake.
2. Those “Awkward” Conversations Were Never That Awkward
Most of DECA role-plays consisted of making up a persuasive or inviting conversation to convey to your judge, and going through rounds is kind of the same way. You are taking your experiences and talents and telling them to people in an enticing way so that no one is bored with the conversation and the conversation carries on easier. In fact, sometimes it felt like you were talking too much.
3. Time Management Is Like Second Nature to You
DECA took a lot of time out of your schedule in high school. Trying to keep grades up and balance the workload of DECA and most likely other activities was a challenge. However, now that you’re in a sorority or fraternity you know how to balance things like schoolwork, meetings, philanthropy events, Greek Week, etc.
4. You Actually Know What Business Casual Looks Like
Trying to believe that some people have no idea what business casual looks like is a challenge because you basically lived in it from time to time in high school. At least you are prepared to look hot in meetings and conferences now.
5. The DECA Diamond Was the High School Version of “Throw What You Know”
Need I say more? You know you always wanted a cool DECA diamond pic with your crew and there is not much difference now with your new symbol.
6. You Know How to Fundraise for a Philanthropy Successfully
MDA or Muscular Dystrophy Association was and probably still is close to your heart since you remember all the miracle minutes you participated in and all of the fundraisers you helped put on. This has prepared you to love your new national and/or local philanthropies just as much and to help in any way possible.
7. Professionalism and Leadership
DECA was a professional organization that was created to prepare students to become future leaders. Now is your time! You know the ins and outs of professionalism and leadership, do not be afraid to take over the e-board position that needs to be filled or take on the role of being a committee head! You can do it!
8. Connections and Friendships Are Bound to Be Made
Every DECA conference you went to you were prepared to meet at least five new people. Greek life is the same way, every event you go to you are bound to meet at least a few new people that will probably turn into friends or study buddies. These connections are timeless, both DECA and Greek life have thousands to millions of alumni in the world and all of them can connect with you on your values or some experiences made in either organization.
9. The Term Work Hard, Play Harder Hits Home
Sure, regional conferences were fun but you knew that going to States or even Internationals was 10 times better so you worked your butt off so you could have an amazing adventure at one of the hot spots for internationals. Greek life is the same way in many aspects. If you want to win Greek Week you have to work hard in school so that you have time to attend events. Or you have to work hard in practices so that your lip sync performance is the best!