Going into college as a freshman never seemed as daunting as it actually was when I got here. In my head, my nerves were calmed by the fact that I had friends here from high school, and my parents were only 30 min away if I ever really needed them. However, I didn't realize that I would need them, immediately. To come get me and take me back home, because I was completely and utterly not ready for college. I quickly realized that I hadn't packed everything necessary and had packed way too much of the things that I really didn't need, and I hadn't mentally prepared myself for what it would really be like to be "alone" in a college town. I was Sandy, when she was homesick for Texas, strumming on her guitar singing, "I want to go hoooommeee!"
Moving into my dorm room made me feel like I was eternally playing a game of Tetris, while always seeming to not be the piece I needed as I banged my knees on bed posts or opened my dresser drawers into the chair that always seemed to be in the way. My walls were taken over by the dictatorship of Command hooks, and I was awoken from my dreams from the nightmarish sounds of posters or hooks crashing down off the walls to the floor. My mini fridge door was perpetually trying to open itself and the lack of air conditioning had me feeling like Spongebob while he's in Sandy's Treedome and in desperate need of water (but for me, it's air).
"Yeah Dad, I'll be fine with these few fans" quickly turned into "AIR, I NEEEEED IT," and running outside to sit in the fresh air of the courtyard.Dining hall food the first week, I'd have to say, was amazing. However, finding your "safety" foods to eat when nothing else sounds good looks eerily similar to Squidward only eating the canned bread in "Squidville." Nothing tastes good anymore when you eat it every day, no matter how good it was originally. Change is good, especially when it comes to your daily meals.
Going home for the first time was amazing, but realizing that you had to go back had me on the same level as Spongebob screaming, "I want cookies and milky and a sweater with love in the stitches," because, let's face it, growing up is hard and being taken care of is always nice.
The time I felt most like Spongebob had to be when I had all the pizza cravings that college has to offer. The Krusty Krab pizza song is applicable to every one of those times because every kind of pizza is the pizza for you and me.
Finally, if you ever wake up home sick, just remember, you can always jump out of bed and sing, "It's the best day ever!" because every day has the possibility to be.