Since being in college, I have noticed many similarities between Europe and the campus. Here are ten of the most profound similarities I see every day.
1. Different cultures/languages
When I went to Italy, I heard a very wide range of languages being spoken. I heard Spanish, French, Chinese, Latin, Italian (of course), English, and many others that I could not distinguish. Not to mention the many English-speaking people I encountered who each had a different accent than the last. In a university, when walking to my class I hear a different language almost every day. Of course, being in America, I mainly hear English but it is always amazing to hear a group of people speaking a language that you do not understand.
2. Uneven ground
I will be walking, not looking at the ground, and trip. Did you know that Venice is man-made from logs under the ground thus, making the ground uneven? This is what I think of every time I trip on a small area that is slightly elevated from the rest of the sidewalk.
3. Walking everywhere
You don't HAVE to walk everywhere, but you certainly cannot drive your car to every class. A lot of people will ride skateboards, bikes, or Birds, but for the most part, you walk everywhere you go. Every day I walk between 3 and 6 miles. In both Italy and France, I would walk between 5 and 9 miles each day.
4. Lots of food options
There are so many restaurant strips in Europe, usually in the middle there will be a small souvenir shop. They offer almost any food you can think of, and it is the same with college universities. There are some strips with multiple food options as well as places to eat on campus, including a restaurant that serves food from around the world; and you can't forget about the university store!
5. Expensive food
Have you ever gone to a tourist spot and the prices are just way too high to be what they are? It is definitely like this in college. Some places are priced well but some places you have to pay $7 for a pack of Oreos. I think some place's prices on a college campus could be considered a tourist trap. But if you have a meal plan card, it's not all that bad.
6. Small town
A lot of countries in Europe are kind of small but densely populated. This is a very similar situation in my college town. Even if the campus is in a bigger town, it still feels kind of like a small town within a bigger one.
7. More buildings than land
There are tons of buildings in Europe and on college campuses. Almost every one of them are generally pretty tall which create pathways like mazes on the ground. However, once you are able to navigate, it's not all that bad.
8. Gypsies
In Europe, when you go to landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower or the Colosseum, there are people EVERYWHERE trying to sell you "one of a kind" items. This is very similar on college campuses as some companies will set up in the plaza, where many students are during the day, and try to sell things. Although, some of these people are in clubs with the University and are trying to get more people to join.
9. Expensive
It's expensive to travel and it's expensive to go to college.
10. Public Transportation
In the town I grew up in the only public transportation was school buses. Going to Europe, we would get on the metro and ride many different public buses (and some boats) to get to the places we needed to go. Being on a college campus, there are MANY different public buses, more than I have ever seen, which is rather helpful.
As you can see, you are basically in Europe when you go to college! The only differences are the history, architecture, and cultural norms.