When you live with the same people all your life, it's inevitable that you will start to get sick of one another. Sure, when you were little you would constantly fight when your sibling took something that was rightfully yours, but two minutes later you would forget all about it. As you and your siblings get older, it becomes easier for you to hold grudges against one another. You move on from fighting over toys to fighting over who gets the car for the night and who's turn it is to pay for gas. More often than not, you find yourselves arguing over the dumbest things that turn into not wanting to talk to each other for hours. Sometimes, your arguments go so far as to end with someone saying "I can't wait for you to leave for college already." A bit harsh, I know, but in those moments it seems that no longer living under the same roof as your siblings would make you happy.
Until the day that you pack up your life but realize that you have to leave your siblings behind.
Before college, I took for granted the fact that I always got to be around my siblings. I may have cringed when my mom asked me to drive one of them to work and there may have been nights when I just wanted to sleep and not stay up talking with my roommates. Was it annoying when my brother did everything in his power to drive me insane? Of course it did. But oddly enough, since being in college I have come to miss these things.
Missing the little things that I did daily with my siblings has taught me to appreciate the moments that I have with them that much more. I would love to go back and play one more game of field hockey alongside my sisters. I wish I could still superman at all of my brother's hockey and lacrosse games.
Although I didn't realize how much I would miss them, I know now that my siblings are my best friends. They are the ones who have always been there and I know always will be. There are weekends when I will come home from school when my friends won't and to be honest, those weekends are my favorite. I can spend those days hanging out with my siblings, watching movies, going out for ice cream, talking for hours before actually going to bed and catching up on the time we have missed while I have been at school.
College changed the relationship that my siblings and I have because we all know we miss each other. When I come home, they'll talk my ears off, ask me to run errands with them, or go on lunch dates. We actually enjoy being around each other and we don't waste the limited time we have together fighting anymore. I'll get FaceTime calls and texts at random times throughout the day, just because they want to say hello, and that means a lot to me; it's nice to see that they miss me just as much as I miss them.
Plus, I will never get tired of my brother (who used to get annoyed when I tried to give him a hug) hugging me when I walk into the house after being at school for a while. If that doesn't scream "I missed you" then I don't know what does.