For only being in college over the span of a year and a half, maybe a little more, college has changed me as a person entirely. This can be incredibly relatable to many students and is something to think about as others go through college, or as people look forward to the new experience. As a student that lives on campus away from home, I have gone through so many ridiculous situations. This includes roommate issues, friendship issues, teacher issues and even issues with the general lifestyle on campus. Despite all the crazy things that I have experienced, I have changed immensely as a person and these challenges I have worked through have helped me develop more and more into the person that I want to be.
Through dealing with roommates, I have toughened up and I don’t let people push me around anymore. I know the crowd that I want to be a part of. I know who I want to associate with, and I know what type of values I hold close to my heart. I have realized the hard truth that not everyone will get along and sometimes you have to go through a crappy situation to understand that fact of life. In my personal situation with roommates, I learned that I am absolutely not okay with the party lifestyle. Sure it is great to have fun once in a while, but drugs, alcohol and late nights are something that just does not appeal to me. Through this realization, I also found out that it is fine to want my ducks in a row. I want to associate with people who focus on education and bettering themselves. I want to be with people who are here for more than just the party. I have high standards for myself and want to focus on what makes me a good person, the best person I can be.
Friendship issues are also completely unavoidable in college. These issues are actually unavoidable through all of life. The issues that I have had also pushed my understanding of who I want to associate with. These friendship issues have hurt me immensely but I have also grown for the better because of this loss or pain that comes from others. I have realized that not everyone’s path in life is going to agree with your own. I have learned to forgive others for the choices they make because they may not always consider how they will affect those around them. I have learned to carefully consider my own decisions too, but realize that speaking up for myself and others is incredibly important.
Another thing that I have learned throughout college is that in order to gain respect, you have to give it. In one of my previous articles, I wrote about how college is a privilege and how important it is to take advantage of the opportunities you are given. This to me is relevant to respect because you have to pay your dues in college. I have written before that I will show my respect for others by truly listening, sitting in class until the teacher dismisses you and putting away my phone for the hour and fifteen minute class. I have had teachers that seem incredibly biased towards others but I believe I have earned the respect I have through my practices. I know that I have to struggle a little and maybe sometimes hold my tongue when I don’t want to. I have to do things that I don’t want to do, but this benefits me in the long run. Looking at the future in college is crucial to where you end up. The decisions you make in the present speak to character and will matter in the future, so hold your head high.
All of these experiences have changed me for the better. College has been an incredible ride and has taught me that you have to work to get where you want to be. It had pushed me to do things that I never thought I would do. I am proud of who I have become, an A student, a Resident Assistant, a writer, someone who strives to have a minor and a major, and honors student, a study abroad student and eventually a graduate student too. All these things help define who I am, and have helped develop the most important aspect of me; my character. So as you are going into college, or are facing similar experiences, take a moment to look at who you want to be. Look at your decisions, look at your motives and look at if you make yourself proud. Every moment is new and is a time you could make a change if you are not living the life you are meant to live. As I have said before, take advantage of your opportunities. Seize the day, seize the moment.