When you're young, you look forward to your birthday for months. You count down the weeks, days, hours, etc. The excitement of having a party, unwrapping gifts, and blowing out candles. However, as we get older, birthdays become less of a big deal to us. We get a couple things, a piece of cake, and it passes. We're another year older and wiser, no big deal. What's so different as we get older?
A different way to party.
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Instead of pin the tail on the donkey, bubbles, and everyone from your class, you celebrate with a few friends and some close family members.
Fewer gifts.
Though you get fewer presents, they're generally more mature things and more expensive, instead of lots of cheap toys.
Shorter wishlist.
It's hard to come up with things that you actually want or need, so you end up just really wanting one or two things.
Focus on food.
Whether it's your mom's home cooked meal or you go to a restaurant, you look forward to what you're going to get to eat on your birthday.
Less excitement.
You can't help it, birthdays just start to lack that luster they had when you were younger. Unless it's a milestone birthday, it's no big deal.