College is a time of revelations, a time where people find out who they are, and who they hope to be in the future. And more importantly, college is a time of change, one where people can start over, try new things, and make memories that'll last a lifetime. My college career thus far has been defined by my experiences in marching band and I'm sure fellow marching band members can relate to the ways in which it's changed my life for the better.
1. Marching band physically transformed my life.
Coming into UConn as a freshman, I was a completely different person than I am now a year and a half later. I had zero confidence and I weighed nearly 200 pounds (I was in the obese range). And this might sound crazy to some people, but the reason because I’m healthy today is because of marching band. In high school, I would come home and go straight to the pantry, snacking on anything out of pure boredom. I didn’t participate in any physical activity, and when I arrived to Storrs for preseason, my transformation had begun. Marching band got me off the couch and exercising, and to this day, I’ve lost almost 70 pounds. So thank you, marching band, for changing my life.
2. I found my passion.
I had always been passionate about music—I think most people are. Music is something that we all have in common; yes, we all have different tastes, but everyone finds enjoyment in listening to music. But joining a marching band took that love that I have of music to the next level. I get to use my passion for music to create incredible shows, both musically and visually, that other people can appreciate, and that’s something I will always be grateful for.
3. I found my second family.
This may sound cheesy, but the people I’ve gotten to know through marching band are some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. When you rehearse over six hours a week with the same people, you become incredibly close. We’re all ridiculously passionate about marching and music that the marching band becomes your family. Coming from a small high school band of about 40 members to a marching band of over 300, it was daunting at first, but a blessing. My section (yay saxophones) is about the same size as my band in high school, and they’ve become my second family. My greatest college memories thus far have been with them and the UCMB, and I can’t express how thankful I am for that.
4. Marching band has taught me how to manage my time.
Rehearsing six hours a week and performances almost every weekend? Yeah, this takes some getting used to. Marching band has certainly taught me how to manage my time wisely and how to be efficient.
5. I get to be a part of something greater than myself.
Working with over three hundred people toward one common goal is an amazing thing. It takes an extraordinary amount of patience, cooperation, and hard work to create the performances that we put on. To walk onto a football field with over 300 peers and perform a show that you’ve worked countless hours on—it’s something special.
6. I have the opportunity to travel with my best friends.
Our football team has been in a bit of a rut for the past several years, but this past season, we were lucky enough to make it to a Bowl Game. We may not have come out victorious, but the entire UCMB was flown down to Florida. We stayed at a hotel right on the beach and spent a few days together over Christmas break. I got to spend Christmas with 300 of my closest friends—not many people can say that.
7. I found my home.
This is definitely the cheesiest of them all, but it’s completely honest. I never had any great friends in high school, so coming into college, I was looking for a fresh start. The UCMB has given me so much—friends for life, countless opportunities, happiness, and a new passion. But most importantly, marching band has given me a sense of belonging. Every time I walk onto that football field, I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be.
All Media from UConn Marching Band Media Team