The New Year is approaching us. Every year, millions of people try to set a New Years Resolution. What will yours be? I have tried many times to set mine for losing weight or eating more healthy but have never stuck with it.
Why do you think so many people set resolutions but do not keep with it? A lot of people, like myself, set the same one each year. Losing weight and eating healthy.
People always make fun of there are new members at the gym instead of being supportive of those who want to better themselves they shame them. It takes a lot for someone to join a gym let alone work out in front of already fit and good looking people. It's hard.
They already took the first steps of trying to join and the problem is keeping up with it. It is easy to say they are lazy and don't want to make a difference.
Think about this. Instead of making a New Years resolution about losing weight or eating healthy, make one about being kinder to people. Having less hate in the world would be so much better, don't you think? Pay it forward. You always hear of these amazing stories of someone paying it forward. Make that your resolution. Do not judge people.
Make a difference... it will go a long way, even if it's something as small as buying the person's coffee or food behind you in line. Or buy some flowers at the grocery store and give them to the person behind you. Be a positive difference to someone in the world.