Internships are a scary thing and applying for them may be even more daunting. So here are my five tips on how to prepare sending out internship applications, from someone who just finished doing so.
1. Make a Google Document To Get Organized
The way I did it was I made a table. On that table was a list going down of each place I was applying to and I put one asterisk next to it if it was kinda important, two if I actually wanted to work there, and three if it was super super super important. The next column was Cover Letter and I would check off if I had done that. Next was short answers, then the whole application, and then the dates in which they are due.
2. Your Résume Shouldn't Be Long
You shouldn't be listing every single little accomplishment, instead, cater your resume to each internship you apply to. Yes, this a lot of work, trust me, but the person that'll have to read it will appreciate the brevity. Also, check for grammar or spelling mistakes. Nothing will make you less likely to get a job than grammatical errors that could've easily been fixed.
3. Don't Bore Them
After reading this article on NPR, I've realized that all of my drafts for cover letters were such a bore. The people reading these applications probably read hundreds of cover letters a day for interns. Don't do the usual, "I'm writing to you because blah blah blah". It's boring and it's typical. Tell them a story, start with a joke, just don't be boring.
4. Keep Up With Deadlines
You gotta be quick to snatch these things up. If you don't apply, they'll go. Trust me, this has happened to me before. You just need to get your stuff together as quickly as possible.
5. Know The Place You're Applying To
Do some research and get to know the employer and what they do and what they're most famous for before going in for an interview or even writing your cover letter. Show them you actually want to work for them. Show them how you can help them, not how they can help you.
Good luck!!