No matter how corny this sounds, it seems like just yesterday I was walking down the stage at my high school graduation. I was 18 years old, and even than college still seemed so far away, even though I would be leaving home in a short two months to start. Now, here I am going on my third year away at school, and a little more than halfway done with my college experience. It's honestly so crazy to think about and to think that in just a year or two I'll be out in the real world or starting grad school. I'm not sure what to think or how to feel about it because I still feel like I'm just a kid sometimes, it's unreal to think that soon I'll have to deal with real world problems and start paying off the never ending string of student loans. It's crazy to think that we're all growing up so fast, years seem to fly by like seconds. But at the same time, it's pretty cool to think that we've finally grown up, and we've learned how to live life and be independent.
However, thinking about being done with college in a year or two is kind of sad. I'm going to miss being able to be reckless sometimes and have it be okay because I'm still young and in college. The college has brought me some of my best friends, awesome memories, and experiences. From being able to compete on a collegiate sports team to meeting people that have completely changed my life, to even just having a great night out with friends. I will miss it all when it's over.
Going to two different schools along the way has definitely made my experience at college worthwhile. Starting off at Buffalo State, living 6 hours away from home was definitely a challenge for me; I had never been that far away from home for that long. It definitely taught me how to be on my own a little and how to make completely new friends. It also led me to see some pretty cool things like various concerts, cool parts of Buffalo, and even Canada's side of Niagara Falls (since Buffalo was so close to the border.) Altogether it was a good experience for me even though I didn't stay and I'm glad I went because it definitely taught me a lot.
Being half way done really makes you think about how much you've grown and changed as a person. It's really something to think about. I'm hoping that within the next few months I'll finally come to terms with what I want to do with my life, because I mean I guess that's kind of important right? But for now, I'm just going to enjoy the few college years I have left before all of the real adulting begins!