Being a college student, everyone tells you that this is a place where you find yourself. At first, I thought that was a bunch of bologna. How in the world can I find myself? What does that even mean? I never really put that much effort into believing that. I went on and did my typical college thing. I joined a sorority, I lost and gained new friends, I went and skipped class, and I went out every weekend but never really "found" myself. But recently, it hit me like a brick wall. I have officially found myself. What did I do differently? Allow me to break it down for you.
1. I stopped worrying about finding someone to be with.
I didn't go to parties to find a guy to end up the next morning with. I didn't pick out my outfits because they were revealing or showed off assets (pun intended) of mine that guys would find appealing. I started wearing makeup because I was experimenting with it, and I felt confident. I would wear a shirt that showed off myself because it made me feel sexy. I would go to parties to be with my friends! I even stopped dancing with guys at parties and only danced with my girls.
2. I became closer with my parents.
When I was in high school I would argue until I couldn't stand even being in the same room as them. When I went away to school, I called them every day. I needed to tell them how my day went, and even what I was going to make for dinner. Gaining their trust when I am hundreds of miles away was the most rewarding thing I could ever have. They are the people that I tell my good grades to and cry to when I want to come home. They give me all the advice I need in the world, and I am not ashamed.
3. I focused on my future.
With now being a junior in college, I am finally learning classes that relate to my future profession. I take classes that I actually enjoy and want to go to class. Yes, I did my fair share of skipping class because I was hungover or needed a nap. But, once I finally started enjoying my classes, I started to feel my purpose at school. I felt good about going to class and good about what I was going to do. I fully understood what I was meant to be doing. That was absolutely life changing for me. Taking a class that you enjoy really does help.
4. I gained a support system.
Being hundreds of miles away and not knowing a soul really does take a toll on your confidence. All you have are your friends back home and a phone. All you can do is call them up, which sometimes helps. But, I became really close with my roommates and met so many more positive people. Having them just down the street, hallway, or other side of campus was so good for me. They encouraged me at my dance recital. They texted me asking how my exam was, and they listened when I was having the absolute worst week. Finding the right positive people in my life helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses.
Doing those simple things can help anyone find themselves. Whether you're 17, 28, or 45, it is never too late to actually find yourself. I am glad that it took me about 21 years for me to finally learn who I truly was. Because of this, I don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks of me. I do whatever is best for me and don't let anyone judge me. When I finally implicated all of this, I truly did find myself and learned my purpose of being here in this crazy world we live in.