I understand the concept of a Finsta (fake Instagram). I understand that people feel the need to have two different personalities in public and in private.
I don't understand why people feel the need to do that. If the people in your life can't accept you for who you are, why are they in your life in the first place? Why are you letting people who make you feel so little play a big part in your life?
I'm about to go on a rant, so buckle your seatbelts kiddos—we're about to go on a journey.
1. You aren't stuck where you are.
The rut you are in right now will not hold you down forever. Find yourself a little spade and poke your way out of the rut. Phone a friend if you have to.
2. How about we all communicate?
Tell the person who's aggravating you that they're aggravating you. Explain to your best friend why you disagree with their decision. Don't sit there and expect things to change. They never will.
3. How about we all start taking care of ourselves?
Let's go to bed before 2 in the morning once in a while. Let's take baths with lavender bath bombs and cover ourselves in argan oil. Let's sit down with a journal and get it all out. Stop snapping at people. Take care of yourself.
They offer nothing positive to you. They will not have a positive impact on you why are you even trying. You are allowed to cut people out. You are allowed to put yourself first. This is a hard lesson to teach but you have to learn it.
5. Don't "ish" talk.
Don't talk behind people's back. Be honest. Be upfront. Be an open book with your feelings. Let people know where they stand with you. If they know where you're coming from there's virtually no room for miscommunication or misunderstanding.
6. Give credit where credit is due.
Be gentle with yourself. Love yourself.
This article was everywhere but I'm everywhere. I'm annoyed with people who run themselves ragged just because they're trying to match the picture of their life in their head to match what's actually happening. The picture in your head will always mess you up.