I was told this story while on a mission trip during Mardi Gras and it hit me so powerfully that I just felt the need to share it and (hopefully) it will change the heart of even one of the readers that stumbled upon my article. The story goes like this..
One day, while in hell, the devil called all his demons in for a meeting. In this meeting he proposed a question to the crowd. He asked "how can we prevent people from entering heaven?". The first demon raised his hands and said "let's tell them that God isn't real". The devil looked at him and nodded while stating "yes that's good, but I'm looking for something better". The second demon raised his hand and suggested "let's tell them that heaven isn't real". The devil again agreed but replied "that too is good, but I'm looking for something to scare all people, even those who believe". As silence fell over the room the demons racked their brains to think of the ultimate prevention method, then the darkest of demons in the back rose to his feet. He stood and deeply stated "the best way for us to keep God's people out of Heaven is to let them believe God is real, let them believe Heaven exists, BUT tell them they have all the time in world"
The End
You see, as humans it's easy for us to believe that our earthly things should take more of a priority than those of God, and that's where we are wrong. I know that even I have persuaded myself to think "I'll do this for God tomorrow, or I'll read my bible another night, or I'll sleep in this Sunday, but what we need to realize is that God never for a second put US second. Jesus didn't die on the cross complaining that "tomorrow would have been a better day" and God doesn't wait to answer your prayers staying "I have a lot going on and so maybe you should try tomorrow". Our Lord is so gracious and offers us a chance to an everlasting life, one that is free of pain and suffering, and (this might sound harsh) we have the audacity to ask HIM to wait, for HIM to be patient, for HIM to give us more time. Doesn't that sound a little crazy?
So, just like school we are gonna recap to find the moral of this story. The main point I want everyone to hopefully pull from this story and article is to not let the object of time trick you into thinking you have an endless amount of it, because you don't. We weren't told the day, but we know that one day our God will be coming back to this earth to call his children home and when that day comes, I pray that you (whoever you are reading this) didn't fall foolish to the belief that "you have more time". Don't wait to spread Gods word, don't wait to obey his word, don't wait to read his word, sing his word, listen to his word and live by his word. Don't let yourself slip into being a part-time Christian because our God is not a part-time Savior.