Call me old fashioned, but... getting married and having a house with a white picket fence and a family to raise is all I’m looking forward to in the future.
I've openly told multiple people this ultimate goal, knowing I'll get a crazy stare. Why is that such an out-of-this-world thing to want nowadays? I give people a crazy stare right back. They worry so much over their future career, but I worry so much about how I'll raise my future family in this unhinged world.
Don’t get me wrong, though. I am very driven and most likely will be entering the corporate world within the next year. But, ever since a young age I created this perfect plan that even at the age of 21, I would secretly still love to have now. Maybe, it was a bit unrealistic to be engaged by age 23, married by 24 and have my first kid on the way by 25…
Eventually, I still do want that. Of course life never goes as planned, but I’m okay with working a few years, then calling it quits to “work” for my family at home.
And here’s why:
Just because my generation “isn’t about relationships,” doesn’t mean that it’s wrong for the few people who are. Being involved in something that’s not committed seems like a waste of time for me. I invest everything into my partner and I expect the same in return.
Casual hook-ups can be fun, of course. Though, I feel I am at the age where I see no point for someone to be in and out just like that. I need to start focusing on what's best for my future.
Yes, there are TV shows like Mad Men which depict the male characters as cheating womanizer’s and literal ‘mad men,’ while their wives are innocently at home. Because we are defined as the generation who isn’t about relationships, I feel that we are the smartest about who we choose as our companion when the time is right. We are in a time where unfaithfulness is not tolerated at either end of the spectrum.
It's also proven that women now are more educated than say in the 50's. We make smarter decisions and we choose the paths we want to take in life with all means necessary. Since when was it a crime to want to physically take care of your family?
Raising a family is a full-time job. I never want to be that parent who misses my kid’s football game or some award ceremony because I’m stuck at work.
I’m okay with my husband bringing the ‘bread’ home. I may not be contributing financially, but I want to make sure everyone is taken care of and that’s the more important than money. It's a fair trade-off.
This doesn’t mean that I don’t support the whole movement for feminism. I am very big on equal rights and the importance of women in the workplace, but I’ve always felt that it just wasn’t for me.
It must be true when they say some people are just born with a maternal instinct.