Most of the house shows in Eugene involve amazing bands, which means that shows could get full! It's only logical.
It's really important to remember that being a kind human is totally acceptable when everyone is stressing about not getting into this show. All of us really want to see these bands and we're just as bummed as you are that we have to wait for someone to leave for us to get in. So, let's try to be understanding of the situation and be nice to each other.
Going along with that, don't be a jerk! When the last house show I was going to reached max capacity, one of the guys from the house started yelling at us all to leave and come back in twenty minutes. He started screaming at the people still hanging around. He even went to the people on the SIDEWALK and started yelling at them and said they didn't have a right to be there. Here's a friendly reminder: you're not allowed to be a jerk because your show is at max capacity. People are hanging around in hopes they'll make it inside, not JUST to make you angry!
Not being able to go to a show SUCKS and waiting to get into a show also sucks. Maybe you won't even get in and see the band you came for. But, maybe you will! And the hope that you will get in is why you stick around, even after someone yells at you. It's the love for the music.
Lastly, I think it's important to note that music can help people through some really difficult times. Music has been helping me through my breakup. Music helps a lot of people. And sometimes, we just really f*cking like a band and love going to their shows.