With Halloween being just around the corner I figured that a ghost story would be perfect. So I guess it starts the day we moved in. We moved into my house when I was 4 years old, I was in kindergarten and it was just a temporary house or it was supposed to be. I don't really remember moving in but I remember refusing to sleep downstairs for at least the first month of living in the house.
Lets back track a little bit, my house is around 80 years old and it is fairly small my sister and I have always lived in a large room in the basement. As you go downstairs the laundry room is directly to the left. The floor is cement and it is always pitch black, the thing is there isn't a door to the laundry room it is just open and the curtains are always pulled back but I remember telling my mom there was a witch that lives in the laundry room in the far back corner where it is always the darkest. I’ve always felt like something was watching me anytime I walked by that room. Now I know everyone feels something watching them as they run up the stairs its not uncommon but even to this day when the lights are off downstairs and its dark outside I wait for something to grab my ankles and pull me off the stairs. I sprint up the stairs and grab the door jam when I get to the top so nothing can pull me down. Its sufficient to say that I’m terrified of the basement.
Its not just the menacing feeling I get in the basement that makes me think my house is haunted I’ve have experiences. There have not been many and they are not constant but I can think of two very distinct times I’ve known my house was haunted. I can’t be in my room and have my door open because I feel like something is out in the hallway I feel very vulnerable leaving my door open so every night as soon as the sun goes down I close my door. I’m generally up pretty late and I always hear sounds coming from just beyond it. I remember one morning I was getting ready for school and it was just me in my house, my door was closed and I was almost done when the door knob started rattling. I knew no one was home so it took everything I had to go to the door when I heard my sisters voice very clearly call out to me saying “Katie it’s time to go!” I opened my door and run upstairs shouting my sisters name but I knew she was gone already no one was home but me and the animals.
This happened in middle school, but the next time something happened was in high school, my sister was no longer living in the house so the room we had shared for so long was just my room now. I hardly ever turn the lights all the way off in my bedroom at night I generally just dim them so I can still see across the room. But one night I decided I would turn them all the way off. No to understand this you have to understand how I sleep. My pillows are generally a quarter of the way down the bed and I sleep on my stomach so my head lies at the very edge of them. This makes my toes fall right at the edge of the bed. One night I was going to sleep and just as I was right between being asleep and being awake I felt something grab my ankles. Whatever it was its hands wrapped all the way around my ankles and it pulled me down. I remember waking up and my feet hanging off the edge of my bed. I have never turned the lights on so fast in my life.