13. Prince Florian | The Odyssey Online
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14 Of Disney's Hottest And Not-est Princes, Ranked In Order of Attractiveness And Personality

Because you gotta do the men, too.

14 Of Disney's Hottest And Not-est Princes, Ranked In Order of Attractiveness And Personality

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A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article that ranked the Disney princesses. Now, it was only fair if I ranked their counterparts and a few additional. For the princesses, I ranked them based on personal preference, but for the men, I made sure to include their looks and personality in my rankings. This one was a bit harder, but I think it worked out pretty well.

14. John Smith


John Smith looks like your typical frat boy, but he just doesn't seem like that great of a person. And he's like 14 years older than Pocahontas and that just makes him a creep.

13. Prince Florian


Sure, he's cute, but he just seems like a doorknob. He's trying too hard to get the girl and wakes her up from her nap. Something that should not be allowed, period.

12. The Beast/Prince Adam


I am not a fan of long hair on guys, and Adam looks too much like a statue come to life. Plus, he was a douche and got himself transformed into a beast, so not a good guy.

11. Hans


I think we can admit that Prince Hans is definitely a cutie. Although, those sideburns need to go. And he kinda betrays an entire country and its rulers, so he's not a good person either.

10. Prince Philip


I think Philip is the star of "Sleeping Beauty" because he definitely does more than Aurora and he's a more interesting character. But again, he's trying too hard to get the girl and he wakes her up from a nap.

That's just rude.

9. Hercules


OK, he's not an official prince, but he should be. Once he goes through puberty and works out, he is looking fine. Definitely a nice guy, but he doesn't seem like the smartest man.

8. Prince Edward


Edward is definitely one of the hottest princes ever. But his personality is as boring as watching paint dry, and he definitely doesn't have a very good education. But he has his looks going for him.

7. Aladdin


Aladdin is definitely a cutie, but one underlying question I have is where are his nipples? It's super unsettling — and knowing he lied about every part of himself really doesn't give him an advantage.

6. Prince Charming


While he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed (yeah, let's go through an entire kingdom to find the one person who's foot will fit this shoe, OK), he is a caring and attractive guy. But I would want someone who has some smarts, so, sorry Charming.

5. Li Shang


One thing you don't have to worry about with Shang is putting on that new relationship weight. He obviously works out regularly and will keep you in shape, as well. But how did he not notice that Mulan was a female?

4. Kristoff


While he's not technically a prince, he's dating a princess, so that's close enough. Kristoff is basically a human puppy. He gets overly excited and he's super energetic. And he would treat you right and put you first.

3. Prince Naveen


While he starts the movie off as a selfish jerk, he ends up becoming a really caring person. Tiana really humbles him and changes him into a better man. And he's definitely a looker.

2. Prince Eric


Hands down one of the hottest princes ever. His dark hair and blue eyes can make any girl swoon. He likes dogs, so there's a plus. And he can't help that he was put under a spell and didn't know what he was doing.

1. Eugene Fitzherbert


But first place has to go to Eugene. His smolder, his dark hair, his simple stubble, what's not to like? Again, he started off as a jerk, but he soon came around and changed his ways. We love an underdog story where the girl gets the guy she didn't know she wanted.

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